Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Digging Seabird

Sometimes - Seabird
I've been listening to Seabird a lot lately, getting ready to hopefully catch them tomorrow night in town. This song came up on the iPod on the drive home today and really hit me - lyrics below:

Sometimes it's alright to just be alone
Sometimes it's alright to just stay at home
Sometimes it's ok if we lose our minds
Sometimes it's the only way out of a fight

Maybe we'll fall before we take flight
Maybe you're all I've got to lose
They say it's gray, but we see it white
And if I'm lost, thank God I'm lost with you

Sometimes there's only so much we can take
By the time you arrived, we all needed a break
Sometimes it's ok if we lose our minds
Sometimes it's the only way out of a fight

It's ok to fight back, it's alright if you lose
It's ok to give up, we'll still love you if you do


Anonymous said...

i really enjoy this song. good post. something i can definitely relate to lately - and i have a new band to listen to!

Matthew said...

So I starred this post in Google Reader way back when, and I finally got around to listening to this song today. Love it. I'm going to have to dig into more Seabird, I think.