Saturday, November 12, 2011

Due Date

Today, November 11th, is Kellye's original due date to deliver Aleli. That means Aleli is officially "full term," or as we like to say, she's now zero!

It's hard to believe that Aleli has been with us for two months, and even harder to believe that Kellye could still be pregnant or in labor right now. We never expected this to be our path, but as we've come to realize, this is the "hand we've been dealt," per say, and we wouldn't want it to be any other way.

Most importantly Aleli is very healthy. At her pediatric appointment yesterday, she weighed 6 lbs 12 ozs and her doctor was impressed with her strength and growth. We are deeply grateful that she is healthy, and we know there are many reasons and possibilities for health concerns. But more than that, we know her life is in God's hands, from the day she was born and for the rest of her life.

We took the time to do some "studio" pictures today (just at JC Penny, no big deal) but here are some of the shots. It felt like an appropriate celebration that Aleli is finally zero!!

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