Friday, March 23, 2012

He Who Fights for Me

you entered this world to save me,
to free me from the bonds of evil and sin,
and to lead me to your Father's house. are willing
to struggle against the strong powers
which pull me away from you.
Lord, you want to keep me, hold onto me,
fight for me, protect me, help me, support me,
comfort me, and present me to your Father.
it indeed is your divine task not to lose me!
And yet I am free.
I can separate myself from you,
and you will never take this freedom away from me.
Oh, what a wonder of love,
what a mystery of divine grace!"

- selection of a prayer by Henri Nouwen, in his book "Show Me the Way: Readings for Each Day of Lent"

There is something about this idea, that God fights for me that is utterly humbling. This idea taps into an aspect of grace that, when I consider it, just levels me. God fights for me - he wants me on his side - he is seeking me out and struggling to save me. 

All that I do to fight against God, to rebel against his simple way of life and his perfect love - in spite of all of that, God is fighting for me. 

It reminds me of a song we sang in Guatemala one Sunday - Jehova es mi guerrero - Jehovah is my warrior. 

(This video isn't from the same church we visited, but it's pretty similar.)

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